Sunday, November 13, 2011


Time to escape. Five classes, fours papers, three tests, two projects, and my last nerve all hang in the balance before Thanksgiving break gets there. The tantalizing thoughts of turkey and pumpkin pie loom just out of reach in these last few days before we are finally released from our cage of academia.

A peaceful retreat and a few moments of peace seem impossible among the hustle and bustle of balancing school and social activities. While budgetary limitations have us living on a diet of freeze dried noodles and frozen vegetables, extra money is just not available for getaways. Sometimes even the library can seem like a breath of fresh air just as a change of pace from stuffy dorms and squalling roommates.

The Arboretum is the perfect escape for students who just need to get away for a while. Tucked away just beside JMU's campus it the perfect place to go for a walk or just sit and rest for a while. Bring a blanket and have a picnic on a sunny fall afternoon. The setting is serene and calming, a true haven in the midst of the busy surrounding area.

If you have an interest in wildlife there are many animals that frequent the area. Feed some ducks and watch as catfish swarm and collect the food you can purchase and throw in to the pond. Birds fly and fill the arboretum with song and resonate a soft soundtrack during your visit. Other wildlife consist of the many dogs that travel along with their owners through the trail that winds around the area. Okay, not so wild, but cute and cuddly nonetheless.

Not a nature person? Try the airport lounge in Warren. It is a quiet place that is sometimes virtually empty on weekdays. It is open til 11p.m. everyday and provides the ideal location to study or even to take a nap when you feel like just having some time to be alone.

The library can be overcrowded sometimes and too noisy to get any real work done. The airport lounge is filled with tables and chairs, and ample amounts of outlets for when your laptop needs recharging. It is also perfectly situated near a Java City where you can go to get your coffee high for the day.

When it is time to getaway, don't spend a lot of money and time doing it. A vacation is just a walk away. Take a moment to "unplug" from your technology, unwind from the busy week, and de-stress from all of the work that you have ahead of you. Take a moment and breathe.


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