Monday, October 31, 2011

Holding onto that green paper.


We all know the feeling when we look into our pockets and find no cash. It happens to everyone and while we are still in college, there some things we can do to help extend the longevity of that green paper. One of the biggest expenses in college is maintaining an apartment since there are many hidden costs that people overlook, such as food and utilities. Here are some tips that you can use to help curb those expenses down. 

1.  Make your own cleaning supplies with cheap ingredients like vinegar and soda instead of buying products that could become expensive in the long haul. Look for recipes that teach you how to make dishwashing detergent and more.

2. Try to find an apartment that pays for all utilities. Gas, electricity and water are expensive so finding an apartment that is willing to pay all the utilities from your rent will be a huge cost saver. If you are set on a certain place that does not pay for all utilities, become energy efficient and plug off devices you don’t use. 

3. Buy natural products and cook more often instead of buying packaged foods that will only last a day. Sometimes a meal that you can cook will last for up to a week which will also be healthier for you in the long run. 

4. Rely on public transportation. Try to avoid using a car as much as possible when trying to commute to campus or when going for a grocery run. You will save on gas bills and maintenance issues and you will never have to worry about parking on campus. 

5. Invest in do-it-yourself projects instead of buying home decorations for your living room. No one needs to buy fancy items to make your place look prettier. Let your imagination run wild and make the projects a bonding experience with your roommates. 

6. If there is a generic brand, grab it. Almost all items are the same whether it comes down to food or toilet paper. There is no need to find the most authentic alfredo sauce when GreatValue can get the job done.

-Sarah Hasnain

1 comment:

  1. This is a great list. However, I would have to say that buying all natural products is not always the best way to save money. It's definitely healthier, but usually more expensive.
